Aug 27, 2013

First Day at Liberty: STAR Binders

Kira and Josh started school today.  Its a new school for the kids. A school where we know none of the teachers, parents or kids. Its kind of a weird feeling after feeling such at home at Edgemont.

Kira's teacher Mrs. B (sad I can't remember right now her last night) grew up in Utah and her husband graduated from BYU :)  Kira said she really likes her teacher.  Her teacher arranged a special lunch for all the new 4th grade students and each new student had a buddy.   Kira said her buddy was really nice and they had fun playing together at recess.  There is another Kira in her class.  This is the first time we've had another Kira in her same class.  Kira's teacher put them right next to each other. I asked Kira if the other Kira was nice.  Kira said yes, I asked if they talked at all and she said Mom, you are not allowed to talk in class! (Very surprising to hear from my Miss. Chatterbox.)

Josh's teacher, Mrs. Anderson also seems very nice.  Josh said his favorite part of the day was when his teacher baked his class a cake.  Mrs Anderson baked them a cake, talking about the importance of each ingredient and how each ingredient is special but how all together they are even better than alone. I thought that was a great lesson. Josh was very happy that he was in English all day, he didn't miss French at all.

Both kids came home with a binder called their STAR Binders.  STAR stands for Students That Are Responsible.

Its a binder that has a planner in it. Each day they write their homework assignment on the calendar date, I have to sign it when they show me their finished homework.  there is also a communication folder in the binder, where notes/permission slips come home.  I love this idea.  Joshy especially had a hard time keeping track of notes from school and bringing them home.

Liberty does not have an early out day. I'm kind of excited about that.  The school day is a little shorter but not by much the kids go to school from 8:45 till 3:15 compared to I think Edgemont was 8:40 until 3:20. I think I'll take the ten mins less a day and not have an early out :)

The kids both were super happy after school, I hope that continues. I will put away all my motherly worries about the kids starting a new school and just focus on the happiness I saw on their faces this afternoon.


Alyssa said...

Both my kids have planners and take home folders at their school too. I agree, it is nice to know just where to look for info.

Hooray for a great first day!

Alice Anne said...

Kids are pretty resilient and adaptable to new situations. I hope you guys end up falling in love with your new city! :) Good luck with everything!