Sep 15, 2013


Lately I have been rewatching the show Parenthood. I was initially attracted to the show because it has Lauren Graham in it.  I absolutely LOVED the show Gilmore Girls. I discovered it when Kira was a baby. As I'd feed her lunch whether it was when she had a bottle or moved on to baby food, I would watch the reruns on ABC Family as I fed her.  Having just had a daughter I was captivated by the relationship that Lorelai had with her daughter Rory.  Rewatching Parenthood I am once again drawn in by the different mother-daughter relationships. In Parenthood there are quite a few different mother-daughter relationships, they are all different but they are all interesting and all loving.

When watching the show I think about the relationship I have with my sweet Kira.  I know its easy to have a good relationship with a nine year old, but everyday I give thanks for the friendship that I have with her.  In so many ways Kira and I are very different but in so many ways we are the same.  I am trying not to wield Kira in certain directions due to my past.  I know that her successes and failures will be her own. I do try to guide her though, with a loving heart and with the spirit.  That can be difficult at times and sometimes I just want to live her life for her having my 30+ years experience on this earth compared to her nine.  Kira however makes good decisions so its easier letting go of that control and I hope I will always be proud of her decisions.

As I watch Parenthood I sometimes long to be a Braverman.  I know its a TV show I however am envious of the tight knit family that they are. My family lives in Florida its hard to be tight knit. I am grateful that I talk to Sharon a couple times of week and really I could talk to her everyday and never tire of her. I would do anything to live near Sharon and Rich. My parents, we don't talk as much. I think about when my sister Sandi was first married and we all lived in Utah. Sharon and I were young and still at home. Sandi and Matt came over all the time. I loved it.  I loved Sunday dinners, I loved when they had Devin and all having a baby added to our family, it was so nice. Then they moved to Florida (for the first time).  Lou and I have never lived near my family the entire time we've been married.  Its hard. How I wish that it could be like when Sandi and Matt were first married. Seeing them all the time at our house growing up.

 Lou's family is spread out, however most of them in Utah now.  Jeff and Leann were always busy. I feel like our relationship grew closer to them over the years they lived in Utah  but  I don't think we had the consistency to build the daily relationships I grave with our families.  Lou is working on becoming closer to his brothers. I am trying hard to get closer to his sisters.

Watching Parenthood has made me think a lot about my families.  By watching and thinking about our families I have learned a lot about the kind of relationships I want with Kira and Josh when they are adults.  I hope we all live near each other.  I hope that the relationship I have with Kira and Josh now can continue to grow and be strong when they are older.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

The draw to family really is amazing, isn't it? And, though I definitely would love to have some family close by, I am grateful for modern methods of communication (namely blogs and google hangouts) that allow me to keep in touch with my family in a much more intimate and consistent way than was available when I was growing up (also away from any extended family).

And about living near your kids, Josh has said he's going to live next door to you, right? So no worries. Except that Kira. She'll probably be living on a lunar colony. :)