Sep 7, 2014

Good Things This Week

We had a nice week at the Allen house.  Some good things that happened:

  • Josh's face is looking a ton better
  • Josh's sunflower that he grew from a seed in a cup the last week of school (June 2014). Josh is very excited how tall it is getting

  • School is going well for me. I am busy with homework but still have time for Lou and the kids. 
  • I am getting more and more excited at the prospect of becoming a teacher. I seriously get so excited reading my textbooks and attending my classes. I have never been so excited about something relating to a career as I am right now about reading and teaching. I was never this excited during my masters program. Even though I do think my masters opened the door for me making the decision to become a teacher and blessed me with a lot of knowledge that has blessed me as a wife and mother. 
  • I went to a Relief Society activity this week. I had a ton of fun. I am starting to feel more at home in this ward. I am always so grateful for RS. Its nice to have a connection to other women both socially and spiritually. 
  • On Labor Day Lou drove us by the house that he grew up in from the time he was 6 until he was 18.  I enjoyed seeing it and picturing little Lou. We had a reception in Boise at his neighbors house. I liked seeing that house again too and remembering that special time of being newlyweds. 
  • Kira is so cute lately. I mean she is always cute. But she is growing up right before our eyes. She is the second oldest girl in primary. Its weird. I remember when she was a cute little Sunbeam, it doesn't seem that long ago. Kira is very excited to be the last speaker in the primary program in a few weeks. Kira came up to the piano in RS (I was playing postlude music) and she told me mom, mom I get to close the program and then eagerly read me her part. 

  • I tried posting the kids ALS videos on here, there was an error. There is also an error when I try to post them on FB. I have no idea what's going on.  The kids challenge their Finlinson cousins. 
BYU beat Texas so not a good think that happened to our family. But we had a ton of fun watching the game together and it sure has made me in a good mood! Go Cougs!! The kids reenacted this touchdown a ton! 


Alyssa said...

I love that touchdown! Thanks for re-posting it. We were on our way back from Goblin Valley so we only got to listen to the game on the radio.

So glad Josh's face is healing well, and I love it that you are so excited about school/career. That's the way it should be. :)

Diana said...

Goblin Valley sounds fun! We went there a few times with the kids and they loved it. Glad you could have a fun get away!

That BYU game was one of the funnest I have ever watched! Thank goodness for Greg Wrubell when you can't watch on TV :)