May 18, 2014

Three Months Go By Fast: Spring 2014

Its crazy how often I think of my little corner of the internet and how I ought to be writing here a few times a week, yet the time passes and whether I've been busy or just lazing it up at home, the writing doesn't get done.

Some quick catch ups with an honest sincere promise (to myself) that I will write way more often.


Since March I have been substitute teaching for the Boise school district. I have enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I honestly applied to do it back in January because I was bored. I subbed back when Lou and I were first married and I hated it so I don't know why I even thought to apply this time. Then on Fast Sunday in February. I received an answer to a prayer that I have been praying on and off for since I was a Freshman at BYU. I was talking to one of the sisters I visit teach (first time meeting her) and we were talking about Josh. Some thoughts went through my head. When we got home I went to our room and prayed. I got on the internet and starting searching at BSU's majors and graduate programs. I then was hit with what felt was like a ton of bricks and realized what I had to do. I felt impressed that I needed to go to school and get my teaching certificate (get a second bachelors degree in Elementary Education. BSU has a program for people like me working on their second bachelors degree so it will only take just over two years. They also have what I was trying to find, they have a reading endorsement. which means I can become a reading specialist. I can work with kids like Josh where reading doesn't come natural to them and help them learn and discover reading. This is something I wouldn't have known I wanted to do back when I was at BYU for my first undergraduate degree, it is not even something I would have known when I was doing my masters, even though school counseling psychology was close.  Back when I was doing my masters I didn't understand why I was doing because honestly I enjoyed it but it wasn't my passion and I couldn't see myself doing it day in and day out.  Then when the kids were toddlers and I was once again thinking of doing something as a career I couldn't ever imagine working with kids.  Now is the perfect time, Heavenly Father knew that I never ever would have wanted to do this or felt like I could do this before now. I am so grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father to lead and guide me in my life choices.

In March we celebrated my birthday. Lou and the kids spoiled me. They got me "teacher" clothes.  Lou made us a delicious dinner. I received so many nice phone calls, texts, chats, FB messages from my friend and family. I love birthdays. Lou knows that so we celebrated it the whole week before it arrived.  Lou surprised me with flowers, smoothies, fondue night, and so many other fun things leading up to my birthday.

At the end of March, Kira and I went to the Women's Meeting. It was the first time in church history that primary-aged girls age 8 and up were able to attend. It also was the first time since the 80s or 90s (sorry can't remember what they said) that the young women and the Relief Society sisters were meeting together. We also get two meetings a year now. It was so so special to go with my Kira Grace. She was excited. We went to dinner with women in our ward and my friend Annie (who is the daughter or a women in our ward and she is also in our stake). Kira felt so grown up! The meeting was beautiful.


April was a busy month.  Kira and I took a quick quick trip to Utah. Kira won a contest with the Jazz. It was a Women's Chalk Talk. So we drove to Utah, before the chalk talk and game. We met Leann at City Creek for lunch and to walk around. Kira and I went to the ESA at 3:30. We went up to the top floor and heard from different Jazz people. Kira was brave enough to ask questions (she takes after her mom, I of course asked questions too). the assistant coach was impressed by our knowledge. After the meeting, we had dinner. We received gift bags, which included a journal that looked like a basketball. Kira took notes during the talks and drew up plays!  We Also received a $25 gift card to Fanzz each. Kira got a fun Jazz jacket (traditional purple) and I got a cute Jazz hoodie. We watched the game in a skybox, where we had free drinks, popcorn and nachos all game! The Jazz even won for us, which was hard for them to do this past season.  The next morning we met Alyssa and Kyah for breakfast. It was a fast trip but so fun.

In April I also went to Florida! I spent a glorious week with my sister Sharon! I had such a fun time. We even got to see my parents and my sister Sandi for a day at Universal Studios. We had so much fun all together. Harry Potter world was a blast. I loved it. Kira was quite jealous that 1) I was going to Florida 2) I was seeing Sharon but 3) and I think most of all that I was going to Harry Potter World. There weren't as many rides as I was picturing but we kept busy and had fun all day. Everything was perfect especially the company.

I love being with my family. I loved being with Sharon and her family. Sharon's kids are so cute and fun. I get sad that we don't live closer and don't see each other usually more than once a year. Sharon's kids and my kids would be so close. they already get along so well, even without seeing each other much.  With Sharon we kept busy but not too busy, it was the perfect balance. We went to the beach, ate a fun restaurants, went on walks, went to the Fort Lauderdale open house. We had such a good time together.

I'd love to live in Florida someday!

Shortly after I got home it was Easter and then Kira's birthday! Easter was nice, we are getting used to just being us and not being around extended family. Kira's birthday was really fun. I can't believe my baby girl is 10! This year we bought Kira a tablet. Kira is mature and nearly won a Kindle for a read-a-thon at school so we thought it would be good as a birthday present this year. Kira is like me and LOVES birthdays. We got her a cute outfit to wear to school, she brought cupcakes as a treat. When she got home from school, we quickly got homework out of the way. Lou got home early, we went to Powell's Candy Store (its so fun!) and then to dinner at Flatbread Pizza. The food was soooo good. We came home and opened presents. Kira gets so excited about each gift. We had cupcakes and then it was bedtime. Kira also received such nice emails from her friends in Provo, and our family. She received phone calls too. Kira felt so loved by everyone.

That's March and April in a flash!

Tomorrow I start school. I know our life will be different and so much busier.  The kids are so excited for me though and Lou is very supportive.  I'll update our happenings in May soon and then go back to my normal posts :)

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Nice summary :) You did have an eventful couple of months!

Good luck with school tomorrow! I'd be so nervous if I were in your shoes, but it sounds like you are doing exactly what you should be doing, so I am sure it will all work out fine.
